DIY Smart Home with the Internet of Things, HOME AUTOMATION WITH BLYNK APP USING ESP8266 WiFi module (ESP-01) /NodeMCU, How to program NodeMCU using Arduino IDE ? ,  Circuit Diagram

DIY Smart Home with the Internet of Things

DIY ProjectsAkshay Goyal
DIY Smart Home with the Internet of Things, HOME AUTOMATION WITH BLYNK APP USING ESP8266 WiFi module (ESP-01) /NodeMCU, How to program NodeMCU using Arduino IDE ? ,  Circuit Diagram

DIY Smart Home with the Internet of Things

DIY ProjectsAkshay Goyal
DIY PIR sensor based Burglar Alarm, How does a PIR motion sensor work?, What is an LM2596 DC-DC buck converter?, What is a SIM800L Module?

DIY PIR sensor based Burglar Alarm

DC-DC step downAkshay Goyal
DIY RFID based Door Lock, What  is RC522 RFID Module?, How to Interface 16x2 LCD with Arduino Uno ?, How does a Solenoid Lock Works?, Code for RFID based Door Lock

DIY RFID based Door Lock

16x2 LCDAkshay Goyal
 DIY TV Remote Controlled Home Automation System, What is TSOP1738/TSOP1838?, How to Interface a two-channel Relay module with Arduino?, code for TV Remote Controlled Home Automation System, Circuit Diagram for TV Remote Controlled Home Automation System

 DIY TV Remote Controlled Home Automation System

DIY ProjectsAkshay Goyal
DIY Arduino based Digital Password Lock, What is 4x4 matrix Keypad?, How to Interface 16x2 LCD with Arduino Uno ?, Circuit Diagram of Arduino based Digital Password Lock, code of Arduino based Digital Password Lock

DIY Arduino based Digital Password Lock

16x2 LCDAkshay Goyal
This Voice Based Digital Notice Board can help automate in service environments that require regular relaying of information

Voice Controlled Wireless Notice Board

DIY ProjectsKapil Kumar
Password Based Door Lock System Using Arduino Uno, code of Password Based Door Lock System Using Arduino Uno, circuit diagram of Password Based Door Lock System Using Arduino Uno

Password Based Door Lock System Using Arduino Uno

DIY ProjectsAkshay Goyal
Steps to Make Your Own Contactless Sanitizer Dispenser, how to make Contactless Sanitizer Dispenser, Circuit Diagram of Contactless Sanitizer Dispenser code for Contactless Sanitizer Dispenser

Steps to Make Your Own Contactless Sanitizer Dispenser

DIY ProjectsAkshay Goyal