QIACHIP's RF Transmitter Remote and RF Receiver Relay Switch Pair is used to provide remote access of appliances to the user within a range of 50 meters. One can use it to control garage doors, lights, fans, etc. This device is used for wireless communication over a short distance. These radio frequency modules can be made portable in size and can be embedded with many devices on a board to provide remote access to these said devices. Here this RF module with a relay makes it possible to remotely control the relay and thus control another device that is in turn connected to the relay.

Relay is an electromechanical device that is used as a switch to complete a circuit. It consists of a mechanical part that is capable of moving and can be controlled through an electromagnet.
A relay consists of normally open, normally closed terminals and a common terminal. When the relay module does not receive an electrical signal, the common terminal and the normally closed terminals are connected; however, the common terminal is connected to the normally open terminal closing the circuit when we provide it with an electrical signal.
How does the module work?
It is a wireless relay module that uses a remote to switch the relay from normally closed to normally open position and vice versa. It has only one channel meaning that we can only control one relay from our remote. The relay module has an operating voltage of 12V DC and can work up to a distance of 50 meters, and the distance varies according to the environment. The radio frequency of the module is 433 MHz, and it has four modes that can be accessed using the small button on the module.
The 4 modes of the module are:-
Momentary Mode
In this mode the relay is switched to the normally open/ Normally Closed terminal as long as the button on the transmitter remote is pressed. We can configure the module to work in such a way that both the buttons of the remote access the momentary mode of the module. To set the momentary mode, press the button on the receiver module once and you will see an indicator LED will blink once.
After a few milliseconds the LED will turn on waiting for us to give an input via the remote. When we press a button on the remote the indicator LED on the module will turn OFF and we can use the module in momentary mode using 1 button of the remote. We can set up the second button to be used in momentary mode by following the same steps.
Toggle Mode
In this mode we can use the same button on the remote to switch the relay from normally closed to normally open and vice versa. If we press the button on the remote once it switches from normally closed to the normally open terminal of the relay, if we press the button again it switches back from normally open terminal to the normally closed terminal of the relay. To set toggle mode press the button on the module twice, the indicator LED will blink twice and will turn ON after a few milliseconds. The module then waits for an input from the transmitter remote,
as soon as we press a button on the remote the indicator LED turns OFF and the module works in toggle mode for the particular input button. We can set toggle mode for the other input button as well by following the same instructions.
Latch Mode
In this mode we use one button to switch relay module to one channel and another button to switch the relay module to another channel. This mode can be accessed by pressing the button on the module thrice, the indicator LED will also blink three times and turn ON, this indicates that the module is waiting for inputs from the transmitter remote. The first button we press will switch the relay from normally closed to normally open mode and the second button will switch the relay back to normally closed from normally open. The module now works in latch mode.
Delay Mode
Delay mode is used to set turn ON/OFF timing of relay module. Press the receiver button 4 times to pair, delay 5S to close the corresponding relay; press the receiver button 5 times to pair, delay 10S to close Corresponding relay; press the receiver button 6 times to pair, delay 15S to close the corresponding relay; press the receiver button 7 times to pair, delay 20S to close the corresponding relay;)
We can also reset the relay module by pressing the button 8 times, doing so will clear the module memory and will reset it back to default settings.
How to use the module?

(i) Connections
- Connect the V+ and V- pins of the relay module to positive and negative terminals of the 12V DC power supply respectively.
- Connect the relay in series with the external power supply and Load.
- Load Can be AC or DC operated.
Connect the circuit according to the instructions and use the circuit diagram for reference. Switch on the power supply and the module is now ready to use. To use the module in different modes i.e. toggle, momentary, latch and delay. We can connect any device to this RF relay module.
• Home lighting systems• Home automation
• Security monitoring
• Robotics
• Can be used for various electrical appliances like light, fan etc.