The 10D270K MOV Metal Oxide Varistors are semiconductors whose resistance changes from a very high open circuit condition to a deficient short circuit condition to clamp any surge or voltage transient in an electrical circuit. It's used in Protection for semiconductors such as a transistor‚ diode‚ IC‚ thyristor‚ or TRAIC Relay and electromagnetic valve surge absorption‚ Surge protection in consumer electronics‚ Surge protection in industrial electronics‚ Surge protection in electronic household appliances‚ gas and petroleum appliances.
Specifications | |
DC Voltage | 22V DC |
AC Vrms | 17V AC |
Model no. | 10D270K |
Current | 500A |
Material | Metal Oxide |
Dimension | 10mm |
Operating Temperature | -40 to 85 |
Mounting Type | Through Hole |
Type | MOV |