Its PNP transistor, The PNP transistor is a type of transistor in which one n-type material is doped with two p-type materials. It is a device that is controlled by the current. Both the emitter and collector currents were controlled by the small amount of base current.
- Its used in portable radios
- Its mounting style is through hole
- Its Continuous Collector Current -200mA
Part Number | 2N3906 |
Transistor Polarity | PNP |
Collector Base Voltage | -40VDC |
Collector Emitter Voltage | -40VDC |
Emitter Base Voltage | -5VDC |
Continuous Collector Current | -200mA |
Maximum DC Current Gain | 300 |
Power Dissipation | 1.5W |
Package Type | To-92 |
Country of Origin | China |