35N60CFD is a MOS power transistor its used in fast switching operation , power circuit applications. Its also known as intrinsic fast recovery diode it has extremely low reverse recovery charge. Its a type of MOSFET which has designed to manage the significant power that is its also known as MOS power transistor. Its maximum temperature is 150 degree centigrade its better than the BJT.
Its Maximum Gate-Source Voltage is 20 V
It has High peak current capability
Extreme dv/dT
- Ultra low gate charge
Soldering temperature, wave soldering 260 degree centigrade
Model | 35N60CFD |
Type | Power transistor |
Package | PG-TO247 |
Brand | Infineon |
Turn-on delay time
20nS |
Rise time | 25nS |
Power dissipation | 313W |
Fall time | 12ns |
Country of Origin | China |