BC817 is a general-purpose semiconductor device that may be used to amplify, switch, or control a signal or power. Because the BC817 is an NPN transistor, we must apply a little amount of positive voltage to the transistor's base via a current limiting resistor known as an RB (Base Resistor). When the proper amount of current passes through the transistor's base, the transistor will switch on.
- General-purpose amplifier applications
- NPN epitaxial silicon, planar design
- Collector current IC= 500mA
- In compliance with EU RoHS 2002/95/EC directives
Part Number | BC817 |
Collector-Emitter Voltage | 45V |
Collector-Base Voltage | 50V |
Emitter-Base Voltage | 50V |
Collector Current - Continuous | 500mA |
Max Power Dissipation | 330mW |
Junction and Storage Temperature Range | - 55 to +150oC |
Country of Origin | China |