PMBT3904 is a general-purpose semiconductor device that may be used to amplify, switch, or control a signal or power. Because the PMBT3904 is an NPN transistor, we must apply a little amount of positive voltage to the transistor's base via a current limiting resistor known as an RB (Base Resistor). When the proper amount of current passes through the transistor's base, the transistor will switch on. The PMBT3904 NPN transistor is packaged in a tiny SOT-23 package. It operates on low current and voltage .
- General-purpose amplifier applications
- NPN epitaxial silicon, planar design
- Collector current IC= 100mA
- In compliance with EU RoHS 2002/95/EC directives
Part Number | PMBT3904 |
Collector-Emitter Voltage | 40V |
Collector-Base Voltage | 60V |
Emitter-Base Voltage | 6V |
Collector Current - Continuous | 100mA |
Max Power Dissipation | 250mW |
Junction and Storage Temperature Range | - 65 to +150 degree C |
Country of Origin | China |