The BC857 transistor is a PNP general-purpose transistor. This transistor's primary uses are general-purpose switching and amplification. The BC857 PNP transistor is packaged in a tiny SOT-23 package. It operates on low current and voltage. It's an SMD version of the BC557 TH Transistor.
- Its general Purpose transistor
- Its mostly used in Switching Applications
- Its Mounting Style is SMD
Part Number |
BC857 |
Mounting Style |
Package |
SOT-23 |
Transistor Polarity |
Collector-Emitter Voltage VCEO Max |
-45 V |
Collector-Emitter Voltage VCES Max |
-50V |
Collector-Base Voltage VCBO Max |
-50V |
Emitter-Base Voltage VEBO Max |
-5V |
Power Dissipation at Tamb=25C Ptot |
330mW |
Operating Temperature |
-55 to +150C |
Collector Cut-Off Current |
Max -15nA |
Transition Frequency |
150fT |
Country of Origin | China |