A bridge rectifier diode frequently used in single-phase applications is the GBU410. Since this IC can sustain an AC voltage of up to 700V, it can be employed in a variety of applications. This IC can handle a maximum DC current of 4A. This IC features a low forward voltage loss of 1.1V and a reverse breakdown value of 1000V. It features a high surge current capacity of 150A and great efficiency. This could be an excellent option if you're seeking for a small IC for rectification applications.
- Glass Passivated Die Construction
- High Case Dielectric Strength of 1500 VRMS
- Low Reverse Leakage Current
- Surge Overload Rating to 150A Peak
- Ideal for Printed Circuit Board Applications
Model | GBU410 |
Type | Bridge Rectifier Diode |
Working Peak Reverse Voltage | 1000 V |
RMS Reverse Voltage V(RMS) | 700 V |
Average Forward Rectified Output Current | 4A |
Peak Reverse Current at 25°C | 5µA |
Operating and Storage Temperature Range | -55°C TO 150°C |
Country of Origin | China |