LM3914 Dot/Bar Display Driver IC DIP-18 Package

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Sold By: HatchnHackSKU: B13-46

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The LM3914 is a monolithic integrated circuit that detects analog voltage levels and operates ten LEDs to create a linear analog display. With a single pin, the display transforms from a moving dot to a bar graph. The LEDs' current drive is regulated and customizable, removing the need for resistors. This is a feature that allows the entire system to run on less than 3V. The circuit has its own adjustable reference and a 10-step voltage divider that is quite accurate. The low-bias-current input buffer takes signals as low as V and requires no protection against 35V inputs above or below ground. The precision divider is accessed by the buffer, which drives ten separate comparators. Thus, even across a wide temperature range, indication non-linearity can be kept to below 12%.


Pin Number Pin Name Description
1 and 10 to 18 LED1, LED2, LED3.....LED10 The 10 LEDs which has to be controlled is connected to these pins
2 V- / Ground Ground pin of the IC
3 V+ / Vcc Supply Voltage (3-18)V
4 RLO Low-level voltage for potential divider
5 Signal Analog signal Input pin based on which the LED is controlled.
6 RHI High-Level voltage for potential divider
7 REF OUT Output Reference Voltage for LED current limiting
8 REF ADJ Adjust pin for voltage reference
9 Mode Select between Dot/Bar Mode


  • Drives LEDs, LCDs or Vacuum Fluorescents Bar or Dot Display Mode Externally Selectable by User
  • Expandable to Displays of 100 Steps Internal Voltage Reference from 1.2V to 12V
  • Operates with Single Supply of Less than 3V
  • Inputs Operate Down to Ground
  • Output Current Programmable from 2 mA to 30 mA
  • No Multiplex Switching or Interaction Between Outputs
  • Input Withstands ±35V without Damage or False Outputs
  • LED Driver Outputs are Current Regulated, Open-collectors
  • Outputs can Interface with TTL or CMOS Logic 
  • The Internal 10-step Divider is Floating and can be Referenced to a Wide Range of Voltages
Part Number LM3914 
Supply Voltage 25V
Voltage on Output Drivers 25V
Divider Voltage −100mV to V+
Reference Load Current 10mA
Storage Temperature Range −55°C to +150°C
Output Voltage 1.2-1.34V
LED Current 7-13mA
Dimension 23x8.2x3.3mm
Country of Origin China

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