Transient Voltage Suppressor or TVS Diodes are electronic components designed to protect sensitive electronics from high voltage transients. High voltage transients refer to very high voltage inductions that last for a few milliseconds and can damage the components not built to sustain such high voltages. They function by limiting the voltage to a certain level, which is also known as a "clamping device". The p-n junctions have a larger cross-sectional area than those of a normal diode. This allows them to conduct larger currents to the ground without sustaining any damage. TVS Diodes are generally used to protect against electrical overstress such as those induced by lightning strikes, inductive load switching, and Electro-Static Discharge (ESD) associated with the transmission on data lines and electronic circuits.
- Fast response time: typically less than 1.0ps from 0V to 16.7V min
- Excellent clamping capability
- Low inductance
- Surface mounted applications to optimize board space
- Protection of I/O interfaces, Vcc bus, and other vulnerable circuits used in Telecom, Computer, Industrial and Consumer electronic applications.
- Data lines in areas prone to natural lightning strikes
Model | SMCJ15CA |
Max. Breakdown Voltage | 18.5 V |
Reverse Standoff Voltage | 15.0 V |
Max. Clamping Voltage @ Peak Pulse Current | 24.4 V |
Max. Peak Pulse Current | 61.5 A |
Max. Reverse Leakage | 1 µA |
Operating Temperature | -65°C - 150°C |
Storage Temperature | -65°C - 175°C |
Package | SMD |
Quantity | 750 |
Country of Origin | China |